Thursday, August 27, 2015

The Unpopular Opinion Book Tag!

   The Unpopular Opinion Book Tag was created by The Book Archer. I was tagged by Christy from Novel Ink and Nicola from Books & Starlight.

   It was actually very difficult to find books where I was part of the 10% that doesn't like a book or where I do like it. I tend to like book more than dislike it because I'm always reading my favorite genres or not reading books with low ratings.

Popular Book or series that you didn't like.

   I couldn't get into The 5th Wave that I just didn't read it properly. I just started scanning the last half of the book. But I am curious about the movie though.

   I was so excited for The Heir since I really like the first three books in The Selection series. But the main character came of as a spoiled brat. And I didn't like the storyline at all. I think it was completely unnecessary for another book. I don't even want to bother with this series anymore.

Popular Book or series that every one else seems to hate but you love. 

   These books aren't exactly hated but on Goodreads, their average rating is around 3 stars when I gave all of them 5 stars.

Love Triangle where the main character ended up with the person you did NOT want them to end up with.

   Switched was actually the first book to make me switch my OTP. At first, I was really frustrated because my ship was going down and I contemplated dropping the book. But I ended up loving the last two books in the series even more

   Taking Chances was actually a book I was enjoying but it took a turn for the worse. It left me in tears and it was way too much for me to handle. I ended up scanning the rest of the book but it still hurt. I haven't even thought of picking it up ever again.

Popular book genre that you hardly reach for. 

Contemporary & Steampunk

   I do read contemporary every now and then. But I'm more attached to Fantasy and Paranormal. And contemps. are usually not the most memorable books for me. I've always loved fantasy when I was little like it's my calling.

   Then there's also steampunk. It's a genre I have never touched. I don't think that's ever changing. I do love historical fiction and reading about victorian eras and the big gowns. But with the added technology element, it doesn't draw my attention. However, there is a book I own that I am willing to try. It's called Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard. Not sure how it will go but maybe it will make me change my mind about steampunk.

A popular or beloved character that you do not like.

The Darkling

   I was really curious about this mysterious Darkling because he's what everyone has been raving about before I even read the book. But he just came of as very creepy and I was always suspicious of him. I've only read the first book in the series so I don't know if I'll change my mind of him later. But right now I'm just not keen on him.  

A popular author that you can't seem to get into. 

Rainbow Rowell

   I read her Landline novel and I didn't really enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I ended up giving it 3 stars and it's kind of put me off of her other books. Before I read Landline, I was interested in Eleanor & Park and Fangirl. But now, not so much.

A popular book trope that you're tired of seeing.

Love Triangles

   Don't get me started with love triangles! I do love them when they're very well written but it just breaks my heart when I can't decide which love interest I love more. A good example of a strong love triangle is from The Arcana Chronicles. The main character just has lots of chemistry with both love interests and both men are so swoon worthy. I can already tell my heart will break in the last book.

   But when love triangles are bad, they're BAD! Just a bunch of unwanted drama or the losing love interest is killed or changed into a jerk. It happened with one of my favorite series and I still can't believe it!

A popular series that you have no interest in reading.

   I have no interest in either these two series. The cover for ATPOY is so pretty but the summary just doesn't pull me in. And I was interested in My Soul To Take until I found out there's a love triangle that I'd rather not try it.

Show/Movie Adaption that You Liked Better Than the Book

   I've only read The Maze Runner so I can compare it to the movie. The book was just slow for me that I'd rather watch the movie.

   I tried reading The Hunger Games a long time ago and I couldn't get into it. Same deal with TMR, I'd rather see the movie. I'm still debating this one though.

I'm Tagging:

Mishma from Chasing Faerytales
Talina from Sassy And Dangerous
Amber and Jessica from The Book Bratz

What are some of your unpopular book opinions?


  1. I'm not the biggest Rainbow Rowell fan either. I've read 4 of her books: Fangirl which I wasn't crazy about; Attachments which was alright; Landline which; and E&P which is my favorite of hers but still wasn't a 5 star for me.

    I didn't know Frigid had a 3 star rating on Goodreads! I really enjoyed that one! I need to read Switched series, it sounds pretty interesting!

    1. Yeah, I really don't understand the hype with her books. They don't really appeal to me that much :/ I also enjoyed Frigid so I'm amazed that the average is 3 stars.

  2. I've had zero interest in reading The Heir. I really did enjoy The Selection series but I've heard nothing but bad things about this books. I'll have to check out the books you loved that others have hated, I am not familiar with them. Thanks again for the tag!!!

    1. Yeah, I wasn't that interested to begin with. I should have listened to my instinct :/

  3. Love this tag!! I really liked Frigid too. I am a super huge Rainbow Rowell so that one is unpopular with me!!!

    1. Lol I knew it was going to be unpopular. Everyone seems to love her books and I'm just not interested.

  4. OMG I didn't like the Darkling either but like wth everyone seems to love him.
    Awesome tag!

    Alex @ The Book's Buzz

    1. YES! I was really interested to see what all the buzz was about. And then he just came off as creepy. I also didn't like the "romance" between him and Alina. #TeamMal

  5. This has been such a fun tag and I have loved seeing what everyone picks! Great choices!!

    1. It was! It's actually my first tag I did and I hope I'm tagged more often.

  6. Thanks for tagging me Karina!
    I hated 5th Wave as well! It was so draggy and boring, and the love interest was, tbh, so creepy!
    I am so glad that I am not the only one who actually enjoyed Frigid! I have a huge soft spot for JLA books, and I was totally swooning over the romance in that book!

    1. Oh gosh YES! Finally someone that gets me. I can't believe all the hype with the book :/ And oh yeah, JLA books are the bomb!!

  7. l totally agree on RR and love triangles. I tried loving Fangirl and that didn't happen. And I really hate love triangles ugh. HATE them with a passion.

    1. Yeah, I was once excited to read Fangirl but it never happened. Once I read Landline, I lost interest. And I'm so tired of seeing love triangles! They're not popular with readers yet they keep happening :/

  8. I recently did this tag and it's soo much fun!

    I'm so glad that you don't like The Darkling. These books are my favorite of all time and he just wasn't for me. You need to read the rest of the books! There is a new character introduction in Siege & Storm that you NEED to meet!

    1. It is! I don't know why I delayed doing it. And I'm glad to meet someone else that didn't love The Darkling. I don't get why people love him. Maybe they fall in love with him in later books?! I don't know but I hope not because #TeamMal!!


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