Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Review: Flirting With Maybe by Wendy Higgins

Flirting With Maybe by Wendy Higgins

Publication Date: March 5, 2013
Publisher: Harper Teen Impulse
Format: E-book, 92 pages
Genre: Young Adult, Contemporary, Romance
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble

He was fifteen and she was seventeen.

When sophomore Ryan "The Kid" McPhearson makes the Varsity baseball team, he finds himself submersed into the life of upperclassmen, and falling in love with senior Brooke Bennet. To Ryan she's his dream girl, perfect. Maybe to the outside world a two-year age difference doesn't matter, but this is high school. Everything matters.

Ryan soon realizes Brooke's life is not so perfect. He becomes her closest friend, her safe place to fall when she needs to escape. Ryan seems to be benched in the friend zone with no chance to bat.

Time is both a curse and a blessing. It ushers Brooke away to college, and Ryan into the arms of his first girlfriend. It alters Ryan from a kid to a high school graduate, ready to venture to college himself. But when Ryan sees Brooke again he realizes there are some things even time can't touch.

Though much has changed, one question still remains. Will the things that mattered in high school always stand between them?

My Review:

   I remembered that I simply wanted to get this novel because it had an excerpt to Sweet Peril (The second book to the Sweet Trilogy also by Wendy Higgins). But then I actually ended up loving this. It was such a cute little love story. And I was so sad because it ended up being so short when I wished it was a full length novel. But even though it's not, I still go back and re-read it because that's how much I enjoy it. It never gets tiring. It's not that often for me that a book causes me to love it so much that I actually want to read it over.

   Wendy Higgins has definitely captured my heart with her novels. I can't wait until her next publication.

   If you love contemporary romance, you'll especially love this. It starts off when Brooke is seventeen and Ryan is fifteen. It starts off with Ryan telling us how much he likes Brooke but because he's an underclassmen, she will never notice him. But because he's in the varsity baseball team and she's the manager, they meet and they get close. But Brooke has never really noticed his feelings for her. It's not until she moves away to college and comes back until they "connect".

   It's not to be missed. I fell in love with Ryan and Brooke. They made such a cute couple. And I wished it was upper YA because I love the sexy times. *Giggles* I wanted some steamy scenes but alas it's YA. But it's still really hot. And I'm glad that Wendy wrote an epilogue for that takes place 2 years later after the story ends (Not included in the book).

   Flirting With Maybe is fun for anyone looking for a short, quick read. It's not hard to read at all. It's intended for a more younger teen audience but it was still enjoyable and addicting. The story just pulls you right in and you never want to stop.

Make sure to check out the epilogue that Wendy Higgins wrote for this on her site:

5 Stars: Out of This World!!

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