Saturday, October 25, 2014

Review: The One by Kiera Cass

The One by Kiera Cass

Published Date: May 6, 2014
Publisher: Harper Teen
Series: The Selection, #3

Summary from Goodreads:
The time has come for one winner to be crowned. 
When she was chosen to compete in the Selection, America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the end of the competition approaches, and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much
she stands to lose—and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants.

My Review:

   I was in the mix of being excited but not as quite. Waiting for this book was really lowering my eagerness to read it. It happens but I was still quite happy when I concluded The One. Even though I loved how it was, there was some things that I couldn't help but notice.

   Regardless of whether America would be chosen or not, her lifer was forever entirely changed. She went from being in caste five to a three. She didn't think she would make it this far. And she most certainly never thought she would have feelings for Maxon. But there's trouble outside the castle walls as the rebels get more vicious in their attacks.

   The novel continues with the conclusion to the selection and the one is finally chosen for the new title of the princess. There was more focus on the rebel attacks; specifically the southern rebels. As everyone knows, the south rebel attacks are lethal as they want to eradicate the royal family. We also get to learn more about the northern rebels and about how they just to help the royal family and not takeover.

   As it went on, it became highly predictable. But it felt that way since the first book. Something that bugged me was that the first two novels were only about the selection contest and now the author decides to focus on the rebels. It felt like she tried to cram it all into this one. It felt too rushed for my liking. I wished it had more Maxon and America scenes together. I wanted more romance.

   While we did get that and they were so heart warming, I wish it was more. But in the end, I knew who Maxon would choose. From the very beginning, we kind of already know the obvious. Then we also have Celeste. She was really hated by almost everyone for being a bee-itch (Meant to say it like that). I felt like it was out of the blue that she decided to change her characteristics when she knows she has no chance of being with Maxon. That also felt rushed because she just became friendly with America and helping her out. It was quite freaky.

   Then I felt like there some questions left unanswered. That was quite a bummer but I guess since this isn't the last book as we originally thought, we'll get them in the next.

   I fell like I just rambled on all the bad things I saw. But don't let it fool you because it was still quite good actually. I still like how it turned out. That one scene with Maxon and America got me all worked up. She finally goes to his room!!! :0

   He is honestly too sweet and the perfect gentleman. We kind of see another side of Maxon and I wish he let go of gentleness and became more bad. Not as in evil, but I mean more like a bad boy. I guess that's why I just like him.

   America may not be my favorite heroine but I still like her. I like how she hold her ground and isn't taken back by the king because he is a ruthless bastard. She's not one of those weak females who needs someone to save her.

   All in all, if you're a fan of the first and second book in the series, you'll be wanting to finish this one to find out how it ends. We had some secrets revealed, there was romance, action, and more twists. Plus we have two epilogues that leave us dying for the next book.

4 Stars: A Great Read!

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