Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by two different hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! This meme is here for bloggers to gain new blogger friends and followers.
Question of the Week:
What books would you give to newbies in your favorite genre? - Suggested by Take Me Away...
I absolutely love YA Paranormal reads so I would definitely recommend The
Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. She's such a writing machine and she's so good at the romance genre. I just adore her writing style and the way she makes her characters snarky and I can't get enough of it. Everyone needs to experience reading her books. For me, she's become an auto-author. I will read her books whenever they come out. I wouldn't even care to read the summary 'cause I know I'll like it.
Lux Series by Jennifer L. Armentrout. She's such a writing machine and she's so good at the romance genre. I just adore her writing style and the way she makes her characters snarky and I can't get enough of it. Everyone needs to experience reading her books. For me, she's become an auto-author. I will read her books whenever they come out. I wouldn't even care to read the summary 'cause I know I'll like it.
Have any of you heard of her? Or read her books? Drop a comment below...
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This is totally unrelated but there are two current giveaways that I have on my blog. You're welcome to enter. Just be aware that it's US only.