I'm excited to be apart of this blog tour for SPELLED by Betsy Schow, hosted by The Fantastic Flying Book Club. It is right up my alley since it's a fairy tale retelling and sort of a different version of The Wizard of Oz, which is a favorite childhood movie of mine.
For my tour stop, I have an interview with the author. There's also the giveaway for a chance to win an Amazon giftcard. And don't forget to follow the rest of the tour stops for more fun posts!
Spelled by Betsy Schow

Publisher: Sourcebooks Fire
Release Date: June 2, 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Fantasy, Fairy Tales, Romance
Series: Standalone
Fairy Tale Survival Rule #32: If you find yourself at the mercy of a wicked witch, sing a romantic ballad and wait for your Prince Charming to save the day.
Yeah, no thanks. Dorthea is completely princed out. Sure being the crown princess of Emerald has its perks—like Glenda Original ball gowns and Hans Christian Louboutin heels. But a forced marriage to the brooding prince Kato is so not what Dorthea had in mind for her enchanted future.
Talk about unhappily ever after.
Trying to fix her prince problem by wishing on a (cursed) star royally backfires, leaving the kingdom in chaos and her parents stuck in some place called "Kansas." Now it's up to Dorthea and her pixed off prince to find the mysterious Wizard of Oz and undo the curse...before it releases the wickedest witch of all and spells The End for the world of Story.
What can readers expect from Spelled?
A clean read fractured fairytale that’s a great light summer read. A fast, fun filled adventure with bouts of brains, courage, and tons of heart.
Did you always know that you wanted to write a retelling of The Wizard of Oz?
Nope, not a clue. I just wanted to créate a world where all these storybook characters lived and interacted together. But I’ve always been intrigued by the head swapping princess in Frank Baum’s Oz series, and thus Hydra was born as a character. The rest of the cast followed from there.
How much will Spelled follow the movie? Will we be seeing characters based on Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the Cowardly Lion? And will we see the famous yellow brick road?
Probably shouldn’t admit that I’ve never seen the movie, only read the books. I really like to play on role reversals, so you will see a version of the famous characters, but probably not the way you’d think of them. I mean Kato, the not-so-charming prince is the representation of Toto. Verte, your Green skinned ha gis Dorthea’s best pal. And the White witch isn’t so nice and fluffy. No yellow brick road per se aside from a joke here and there.
Is it going to be a standalone? Or will there be more books?
Even though it works as a standalone, from the beginning, I intended it to be a three book series. However, whether those books follow will depend on how well Spelled does. Right now the reception has been really encouraging and I’m working on the sequel. Fingers crossed that it will be picked up
What are your plans after Spelled is released?
Take a nap! Just kidding. I’m a mom so I’ll be entertaining kids for the summer and visiting some library reading programs to talk about creativity in writing. And I may have another project in the works…. Shhhhh.

Follow the Spelled by Betsy Schow Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Her debut novel, Spelled, comes out June 2015 from Sourcebooks. She is represented by Michelle Witte, Mansion Street Literary Agency.
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