Friday, May 22, 2015

REVIEW: Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter

Awake at Dawn by C.C. Hunter

Publication Date: October 11, 2011
Publisher: St. Martin's Griffin
Format: Paperback,
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Romance
Series: Shadow Falls, #2
Buy Links: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Book Depository

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Step into the world of Shadow Falls, a camp that helps teens tap into their special... talents. Once you visit, you’ll never forget it—and you’ll never, ever be the same. 
From the moment Kylie Galen arrived at Shadow Falls Camp, she’s had one burning question: What am I? Surrounded by vampires, werewolves, shape-shifters, fairies and witches, Kylie longs to figure out her own supernatural identity…and what her burgeoning powers mean. And now she’ll need them more than ever, because she’s being haunted by a new spirit who insists that someone Kylie knows—and loves—will die before the end of the summer. If only she only knew who she was supposed to save. And how... 
But giving Kylie the most trouble is her aching heart. Gorgeous werewolf Lucas left camp with another girl, but he’s still visiting Kylie in her dreams. And Derek, a sexy half
Fae who’s always been there for her when she needed him, is pushing to get more serious—and growing impatient, especially when Lucas returns. Kylie knows she needs to decide between the boys, and it’s tearing her up inside.  
Yet romance will have to wait, because something from the dark side of the supernatural world is hiding in Shadow Falls. It’s about to threaten everything she holds dear... and bring her closer to her destiny.

Note: This is the second book in a series so if you haven't read the first book, I advice you that there may be spoilers.

   Never did I think that I would love this as much as the first installment of this series. But it turned out to be just as awesome as Born At Midnight. The biggest worries I had was that Lucas had left at the end of the previous book and I absolutely wanted to read more about him and Kylie's past. And while he was gone for most of the book, his return was really surprising and much appreciated.

   Kylie continues to search for what she is because she still has no clue. And she's now come to terms that she has an ability to ghost-whisper. Now that Lucas has left the camp and with a girl, might I say, she grows closer to Derek, the sexy fae. But Lucas starts visiting her in her dreams and he's sending her letters. We also get to see other relationships unfold such as Miranda and her crush, Perry, as well as Holiday and the brooding vampire Burnett. There was quite some jealousies and drama going on.

   We get more of Kylie's ghost adventures when a ghost tells her that someone she loves is going to die. Her roommate turns her cat into a skunk. Then Kylie has some female hormonal changes that has everyone thinking she's a werewolf. She has to deal with her parents' drama. A lot of things are going down with her life and she's so confused about her feelings for Derek and Lucas.
   My favorite part is most obviously when Lucas comes back to camp and saves Kylie's life both times. And how he protected her from the rogue vampire! He's just so sweet and like Kylie, I'm also confused about which guy I love more. I know lots of people hate love triangles but this is one of the ones that I actually like.

   Along with the plot of the story, I really love how Kylie's character has changed throughout the series. I loved seeing her relationship with Holiday, Miranda, and Della grow. She's not the scared and intimidated girl she once was. She knows that she belongs at the camp but she has her issues of also not knowing what she is and she doesn't completely fit in yet. Because she starts to show signs of her powers but they all sort of belong to different supernatural species. And that gets her even more confused and irritated.

   Overall, Awake At Dawn will definitely keep you on your toes. There's lots of good drama with cute boys, kissing, and some action thrown it. And if you read the first book, you should definitely continue on to this one!

4 Stars: A Great Read!


  1. I love this series! Kylie, Miranda and Della are one of my all time favorite book BFFs, I just love their relationship with each other! And you know, Lucas and Derek <3

    1. Me too!! I was pretty sad when it ended. I'm reading the spin-off but it's just somehow not the same. And yes!!! Lucas and Derek <3 <3


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