Thursday, September 11, 2014

Feature and Follow #18

   Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by two different hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! This meme is here for bloggers to gain new blogger friends and followers.

Question of the Week:

Before blogging (dark times people!) how would you find out about new books or did you?

An old  high school friend of mine showed me a book that she was currently reading (Evermore by Alyson Noel) and I got hooked. Then she brought another book (Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick) and soon I started reading almost everything she read. She was like my personal librarian. She was the reason why I became a book nerd. But soon after, it was like I was being let go to fly off on my own.

   I discovered Goodreads, which I'm sure you all know what that is. It's helped me find all the amazing books that I've read up to the present. Then I saw people leaving links to their blogs in their reviews and I became fascinated with the idea of starting my very own blog. That's how it all started for me.

You can follow me by Google friend connect or bloglovin' or Twitter.


  1. I was always looking at what my mom and sister read because they always had the inside scoops of what was popular at the times. :) I am an older follower
    My FFF

  2. I did have a friend who would buy books like it's no tomorrow. I've read Evermore last year and I enjoyed it! I haven't finished the rest of the series, yet, though.

    New follower on Bloglovin :) I'm also following you on Twitter, too!!
    My FF :) @beingabryan on twitter

  3. I used to spend hours in the library just browsing. A very good day it was when I found goodreads and blogging. I would have never tried so many new genres that I now love! Have a great weekend! (New follower!)

  4. Hopping through. Oooh, I loved Evermore. Unfortunately I didn't think the rest of the series was any good.
    My FF

  5. My friends didn't enjoy reading as much as I did so I tended to get my books from bookstores, just running around getting everything that looked interesting. I still haven't gotten around to Hush Hush although I keep being told it's really good! I'm a new Twitter follower, already following everywhere else! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  6. That is so cool that you had such a great bool loving friend! I used the library and book stores to find my reads. :)

    Have a great weekend,

  7. Hush Hush is a motivation to read more ;) My FF

  8. I went back a little farther in my answer - even before Goodreads.

  9. I used the library, mostly. I had a friend that read too, but usually I was giving her recommendations, not so much the other way around. In grad school I became friends with an avid reader, she liked the classics mainly. She introduced me to Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier, which became my favorite book. I use mainly other blogs and Goodreads now. Happy reading! New bloglovin' follower.
    Kim @ Bookworm Book Reviews

  10. You're lucky to have a friend that loved similar books to you! Some of my friends are sort of casual readers, - not obsessive (their word!) like me - but we don't read the same things unfortunately. Goodreads was the big turning point for me as well.
    Have a great weekend! (Old bloglovin' follower)
    My FF

  11. Do I know you from somewhere...? ;) Obviously, I'm already following you. lol. Added Tumblr today though. My FF

  12. It's great when you have friends who share and recommend books, isn't it? I still swap with friends all the time.
    I'm an existing follower.

    My FF post

  13. Geez, I wish I would have had friends who liked to read and recommend books to me! All my friends who like to read are other book bloggers who i've never actually met in person! All my real life friends don't make th etime to read. Their loss, right?

    New follower via bloglovin, g+, gfc and fb! Digging that header btw!!!

    Guinevere & Libertad @ Twinja Book Review's #FF


Thank you so much for commenting! It really makes me happy knowing that people actually read my posts and that I'm not talking to myself. I will always try to respond to comments when I can or return the favor by commenting on your blog if you have one :)

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