Monday, December 22, 2014

{Day 1} Top 10 of 2014: Best Books I’ve Read

Top 10 of 2014 is hosted by Jaime from Two Chicks on Books, Mindy from Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! Rachel from Reading YA Rocks, Nancy from Tales of a Ravenous Reader

The event runs for five consecutive days, the last week of the year. Five days of some of our favorite lists and we invite ALL of YOU to join in on the fun and share your lists with everyone too!

Monday, December 22nd – Best Books I’ve Read in 2014 (Doesn’t have to be released in 2014, just a book you’ve read in 2014)

Tuesday, December 23rd – Best Book Covers of 2014 (MUST be a book released in 2014. Would be best if it’s a book you’ve READ in 2014, but it’s not required)

Wednesday, December 24th – Best ________ Of 2014 (Readers/Bloggers choice. Please fill in the blank with ONE of these topics – Villains, Contemporaries, Dual POV’s, Novellas, Adult titles, New Adult titles, Love Triangles, Couples, Bad Boys or Debuts. REMEMBER – this list MUST be from books you’ve READ in 2014)

Thursday, December 25th – Best Book Boyfriends of 2014 (MUST be from a book released in 2014 and from a book you’ve READ in 2014)

Friday, December 26th – Top 10 Books I’m looking forward to in 2015. (This list should be comprised of books released ONLY in 2015)

Today's Topic:                     

Best Books I’ve Read in 2014


1. See Me by Wendy Higgins: This was just the cutest story I've ever read. The plot that it has was something that I wanted to read for such a long time and could never find. But I definitely go it with this book. I love everything about it especially the sexiest and sweetest Irish boy McKale.

2. Take Me On by Katie McGarry: I had presumed that I would not like this just because I didn't like the main character West in the previous book in the series. But I was completely wrong. It it is probably without a doubt one of my favorite contemporary novels that I have read. Katie McGarry actually made me fall in love with West's and Hailey's story.

3. Stone Cold Touch by Jennifer L. Armentrout: It's no surprise that this is one of the best books I've read this year. It just completely blew me away with that ending and I am just dying for the next book.

4. Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick: I am so thankful that I got to read this early on. I read Becca's Hush Hush series and I wanted to read something else by her. This was absolutely perfect. I loved the mystery of it and it wasn't predictable for me. It was just another great read.

5. Through the Zombie Glass by Gena Showalter: I thought that the first book in this series was so good but this, this was just completely mesmerizing. It had those quite steamy scenes between Ali and Cole. I absolute love the romance in this book.

6. Sweet Reckoning by Wendy Higgins: I was quite sad that this was the last book in the series. The first book was one of the most amazing books I've ever read in my entire life. This was the perfect conclusion to the trilogy. I honestly can't wait until Sweet Temptation where we get to see Kai's point of view of the entire series!!

7. Opposition by Jennifer L. Armentrout: It was also sad seeing this series conclude as well. The first book is one of the very first YA books that I ever read and loved that gave me goosebumps. I'm glad that I gave this a chance because I almost didn't pick it up because it's about aliens. But trust when I say that it's the sexy kind of aliens that you want to read about. And it had Daemon.

8. White Hot Kiss by Jennifer L. Armentrout: It was rather nice seeing a new unique supernatural species being written about. It was a good change from all the werewolf and vampire books that have been constantly written. I give the author props for making me fall in love with gargoyles (Wardens). But in my defense they are the sexy kind like Zayne.

9. Alienated by Melissa Landers: When I first heard of this, I was instantly intrigued at the concept. I wanted another alien book ever since I read The Lux series and it just as awesome. Can't wait for the sequel!

10. Don't Look Back by Jennifer L. Armentrout: It's not shocking at all that I have another Jennifer Armentrout book here. She delivers the perfect books all the time. She definitely got me into the mystery/thriller genre with this one. It just makes you guess and suspect everyone. It also has motorcycle-riding Carson in it.

Diversity Spotlight Tuesday: Latinx Books

   Now this is a feature that just speaks to me especially since I mostly read books by marginalized authors. And it's all I want to ...