Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My New Year's Blogging Resolutions

It's been 1 year since I started Watcha Reading and yet I feel like I'm still new at this. I feel like I need to be more organized. This year was crazy for me especially at the start of the year.

I decided to make some goals for 2015 so that I know what I want to do because this year just felt off for me and my blogging. In some ways, I am still new so hopefully this list will help.

1. Write my review as soon as I finish a book: 

I have this habit of finishing a book and I tell myself that I can do it later. And I end up forgetting things I want to say in my review.

2. Have posts ready and scheduled for one month in advance. 

I always write my post the day before I post it. This is really stressful because I don't always have time and just want to have them done in advance.

3. I want to write posts about yummy book boyfriends.

I've had this idea for a long time. It just sounds super fun to write about the sexy fictional guys you have a crush on.

4. Start bookish discussions posts.

I already came up with several interesting topics to discuss. It's just a matter of writing the posts. I can't wait to see how this goes...

5. Have more reviews and not just book blitzes.

I started this blog to write book reviews but recently I've only been posting blitzes. I need to write my reviews in advance. That's something I really need to work on; especially when the book is an arc.

6. Reply back to comments.

I've never really replied back. But I always told myself "what's the point? They may not even come back to read it." I am going to try to comment back.

7. Visit other blogs.

I really want to put myself out there. I want people to know about my blog. I want to courteous to those that leave comments on my blog.

8. Start my TBR Thursday on the 1st Thursday of every month. Then end it with a wrap up post on the last Thursday.

I know there is already a meme with the same title. But I don't want to post it weekly since I don't buy books frequently (And it won't be the same). I want to showcase the books I have yet to read that I have chosen to read that month. Then I make a wrap up post to see how many TBR books I got to.

9. Make top 2 books post for every month.

Every year there are Top Ten posts. I find it hard to choose. But I figured that if I made a top two post of the month then it will be easier to narrow down it down by the end of the year.

10. Stop requesting books when I don't have time to read it.

I have a bad of habit especially on Netgalley. But I want to make 2015 the year where I stop that and just read the books I have that I haven't read. It's super crazy!!

11. Make mini reviews.

I started my blog but I was already an obsessive reader. I want to review the books that I read before I made my blog. But there are just too many of them so I decided I will just make the review short.

12. I want to post about my personal life.

I sort of want to make this blog like my diary and write stuff that happens to me. But not so much. I also notice how I take pictures of my two dogs that I have. And I want to talk about them and share my moments with them.

That's all the goals that I can think of for now... What are your goals for the New Year? Do we share similar goals? Comment below with your thoughts :) Tell me what your resolutions are!!


Diversity Spotlight Tuesday: Latinx Books

   Now this is a feature that just speaks to me especially since I mostly read books by marginalized authors. And it's all I want to ...