Sunday, November 2, 2014

Review: Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Pushing the Limits by Katie McGarry

Date Published: June 1st, 2012
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Format: Paperback, 391 pages
Series: Pushing The Limits, #1

Summary from Goodreads:

So wrong for each other …and yet so right. 
No one knows what happened the night Echo Emerson went from popular girl with jock boyfriend to gossiped-about outsider with "freaky" scars on her arms. Even Echo can't remember the whole truth of that horrible night. All she knows is that she wants everything to go back to normal.

But when Noah Hutchins, the smoking-hot, girl-using loner in the black leather jacket, explodes into her life with his tough attitude and surprising understanding, Echo's world shifts in ways

she could never have imagined. They should have nothing in common. And with the secrets they both keep, being together is pretty much impossible.

Yet the crazy attraction between them refuses to go away. And Echo has to ask herself just how far they can push the limits and what she'll risk for the one guy who might teach her how to love again.

My Review:

   I read this so long ago and yet, I still remember how it left me feeling. It was like being in a dream-like state. I desperately wanted another book for Noah and Echo. Now we're getting that in Breaking The Rules!! I'm so happy about that because I just keep re-reading this book over and over but it never gets old. I love the plot-line so dearly.

   This book was absolutely phenomenal and breathtaking. The romance between Noah and Echo is just the cutest thing ever. Yet they are the completely opposites, coming from different worlds. But tragedy has struck them both.

   Echo is really messed up. Something terrible happens to her and her life changes dramatically. Her mother tried to kill her. But the thing is she can't remember what happened. All she knows and sees are the big zig zagging scars on both her arms. Above all, she lives with her father and her stepmother, who used to be her babysitter/nanny and who's now pregnant. Her relationship with both of them is hardly friendly.

   Noah's life is completely changed when his parents were killed in a fire. Only he and his two little brothers survived. Now he lives in a foster home and he's been changed four times for the last three years. He used to have it all, popularity, being in a sport team, and his family. Now he's a smoking-hot, bad boy, girl-using loner. He hangs out with the wrong kind of crowd. His brothers have been put with another family and Noah believes that they are being abused.

   Both they're world's collide when Echo is assigned to tutor Noah. They both see the same counselor, Mrs. Collins. They both plan to get into their school files. Echo wants to see what happened to her and Noah wants to know where his brothers are at. They both are opposites and yet they are one and the same in a deep mess and despair to get their old lives back. As they surround each other, they start to get close. They begin to harbor feelings that are completely unexpected. They just bring out the best of each other. They are just perfect for each other. Totally cliche, but opposites attract.

   The romance is just perfect and breathtaking. I completely loved it especially since Noah and Echo are such strong characters. They console each other when they need each other. I loved it especially since it wasn't love at first sight 'cause Noah was such a jerk to her at first. But he's not a complete asshole. He has a heart and once you get to know his character, you'll definitely will fall in love.

   Everything about Pushing the Limits was just right. It wasn't just about the romance. It's like they go on a journey to re-discover who they are. They want answers and they help each other. It was such a cute story to read. I normally don't read YA contemporary because I love paranormal reads more but this is a winner here. I've read the other books to this series and they are so00 good. Katie McGarry is the queen of YA contemporary. You have to check her books out as soon as possible or just drop the book you're reading and pick this one up!!

5 Stars: Out of This World!!

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