Thursday, April 2, 2015

My TBR Thursday


   Last month was really crappy with my reading. I only read 5 books!! I'm trying to challenge myself and read 11 arcs that I have. It's a bit unrealistic but I will try my hardest. I honestly just want to finish reading all the advanced reading copies that I have so that I can finally get to all the finished copies that I have. I just have way too many books that I really want to start and it's hard choosing!

   I hope that my reading slump goes away. This is causing me to not want to pick up the books and really enjoy them. I'm praying that it won't be the case for some of these books. I desperately want to
love them especially The Cage and The Wrath and The Dawn. They sound really intriguing...

   My strategy will be to read two books at once. I am going to cross my fingers that this will work. But it backfired on me the last month. Though it was my own damn fault for trying to read 5 books at once!! I don't want to go overboard this time. I was just so indecisive on what to read that I couldn't properly enjoy the book I was currently reading. Juggling five books is not very enjoyable and it ruins the experience with the book. But I think I've calmed down since.

What are you guys reading this month? Are our TBR's similar? Tell me in the comments below!!


  1. I am so jealous of all those beautiful arcs that I want so badly that keyboard is feeling the wrath of my anger.

    Just kidding. But not really. I hope you enjoy all of them! (Plus, how did you even get hard copies of all of those??)

    Jessica @ Ramblings on Readings
    My Thursday Post

    1. Hahaha. I would be too if I didn't have them. But I was lucky enough to go to a library conference where publishers were handing galleys out.

  2. AHHHH so many good ones! I can't wait to read Illusionarium!


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