Thursday, July 3, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #11

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by two different hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! This meme is here for bloggers to gain new blogger friends and followers.

This Week's Question:

What are some of your favorite picture books - either current ones or ones from your childhood?

This question brings back so many memories. But I always recall loving the books by Dr. Seuss. They'll always hold a special place in my heart. And then there also numerous of other books that I also loved like The Giving Tree by Shel Silverstein and Harold and the Purple Crayon by Grockett Johnson.

  You can follow me by Google friend connect or bloglovin' or Twitter.



  1. I loved Green Eggs and Ham!
    My FF
    Old GFC follower and New Bloglovin follower

  2. I loved Green Eggs and Ham it's my favorite book.
    MY FF
    New follower via GFC
    christine @ Bibliophilic Madness

  3. I've heard of 'The Giving Tree' but never actually read it, as a child or now! I'm not a very big Dr. Seuss fan, but neither were my parents so I never read it as a child! I'm a new GFC and Bloglovin' follower! Thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  4. Love all of these!

    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin!
    Kristen @OCA

  5. Great choices! I love Dr. Seuss! New follower via bloglovin' and Twitter :)

    Here's my F&F!

  6. Wow, so many colorful books. I wonder why I haven't read any Dr. Seuss books.
    New GFC and Bloglovin follower.


Thank you so much for commenting! It really makes me happy knowing that people actually read my posts and that I'm not talking to myself. I will always try to respond to comments when I can or return the favor by commenting on your blog if you have one :)

As of August 2015, A Reader Under The Sea is an award-free blog. I appreciate it that you want to award me with something :)

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