Thursday, July 24, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #14

   Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by two different hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! This meme is here for bloggers to gain new blogger friends and followers.

This Week's Question:
What is your favorite tv series that you can watch over and over again on Netflix?

   I don't particularly use Netflix. But a show that I never get tired of is called Charmed. It's about three sisters who are powerful witches and their fight against evil. It's so good and there's a total of eight seasons which I love 'cause you don't get bored at all.

You can follow me by Google friend connect or bloglovin' or Twitter.



  1. Hopping through. I remember Charmed. I never watched it but I have friends who loved it.
    My FF

  2. Hello :) I just started following you. I haven't watched Charmed before, but it sounds cool.
    Blue Books and Butterflies: Feature and Follow Post

  3. I used to watch Charmed. The story keeps you watching.

    New follower via gfc. Jess@ Jessy's Bookends

  4. I haven't heard of Charmed but it sure sounds interesting. Will check it out now. :)

    New GFC follower

    Here is My FF

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  5. Love Charmed and have re-watched the entire show more than a few times!

    Thea @ Gizzimomo's Book Shelf

  6. I actually watched Charmed on Netflix because I never seen it when it came was pretty I notice if I am up early enough it's on TNT I :)

  7. Never heard of Charmed before, I will have to give it a try ! (:
    It is amazing for a 8 seasons series not to get boring !

    New follower through Bloglovin
    My post

  8. Charmed is so good! My sisters and I used to watch it all the time!

    Here's My F&F :)

  9. We don't have Netflix in Germany. But we have something similar :)
    New follower via bloglovin :)
    Here is my FF:

  10. New follower via Bloglovin! Here's my FF

  11. Hi! New follower! :) here's my FF:


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