Thursday, July 10, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday #12

Feature and Follow Friday is hosted by two different hosts, Parajunkee and Alison Can Read! This meme is here for bloggers to gain new blogger friends and followers.

This Week's Question:

If you had a time machine (i.e. a TARDIS), where would you go?
   I had to look up what a Tardis is because I had no clue. But if I had a time machine, I would go... This is a very tough question. But I would go back to visit myself in the early 2000s because that's when BEA was held in Chicago. But back then reading wasn't something I did and I didn't know about BEA. And now it's been held in New York ever since. But I'm happy because it's going to return to Chicago in 2016 and I'm so happy. It'll probably be the first book event that I go to. 

 You can follow me by Google friend connect or bloglovin' or Twitter.



  1. How exciting! I've never been to BEA and only attended Armchair, for the first time, this year. ~ Amber @ Casual Readers

  2. I've never been to a BEA, but I would love to go if one was in Kansas City.

  3. New Follower here... I've never been to BEA either but would love to go. Great answer!!

  4. Hopping through. Haha...I'd love to go back in time to go to more BEAs.
    My FF

  5. Hey, new follower on GFC. :) And going back in time to BEA sounds awesome! If it were me though, I'd have to go to BEA *first* to then be able to go back.
    What's Your Story?

  6. Havent been to BEA and would definitely love to! I would go to the time of the Mughals and Sherlock Holmes and a number of other places..:)

    Old follower..

    -Nikita @Njkinny's World of Books & Stuff

  7. I attended Armchair BEA this year and it was amazing, so I'd definitely want to go to the actual thing as well! I was in Chicago 2 years ago, btw, beautiful city! I love the HP gif! I think Prisoner of Azkaban is actually one of the few books in which time travel works! Thanks for sharing :) Hope you have a great weekend!
    My Friday post
    Juli @ Universe in Words

  8. I've always wanted to go to BEA but I live so far away (Philippines) huhu. I hope you'll be able to go to BEA in 2016! :)

    New follower via GFC
    My FF

  9. I haven't been to a book event yet, either. They are doing the Texas Teen Book Festival in October, and it's only about a three hour drive for me, so I will probably go to that one. I would love to make it to NYC for BEA next year, though. I guess we will see what happens!

    New follower via GFC and Bloglovin :]

    My FF

  10. New follower via GFC :)

    I haven't been any book events either but mostly because I live in a country where there's like only a couple of small events per year. I'd love to go BEA or some other big book events on US if I'd ever had a chance.

    My FF

  11. I have never been to BEA but I really want to soo much!! The only book event that I went to was the YALSA conference 2years ago in St. Louis. I'm going this year but I'm keeping my fingers cross to go to BEA.

    New follower via GFC and Twitter.
    Here is my FF

    -Ericka :)

  12. We don't have anything similar to BEA in my country but there are authors who'd go here for a tour. And then there's the famous comic con.

    New twitter, bloglovin, G+ & GFC follower.
    My FF

  13. I can't believe I didn't think about going back in time to my own life to change something! Your idea was great! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I followed back via bloglovin :)
    Brittany@ Spare Time Book blog

  14. Would love to go to a BEA event as well. Hope you make it for 2016. Now following you on twitter My FF

  15. I'd love to go to BEA, or some sort of book event, where I could meet some authors, and of course some book bloggers. Unfortunately nothing like that ever happens in New Zealand. One day though, I'll make it to the states and go to one :)

    ...On a side note...You didn't know what a Tardis was! *Shock Horror* haha don't worry I don't watch Dr. Who either :P

  16. Wow, cool, BEA is going to be in Chicago in 2016? I'll have to keep an eye out for details as I don't live far from there.

    Terri M.
    Second Run Reviews

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I've never been to BEA. Probably because I live halfway round the world.

    Thanks for stopping by. Following right back via Bloglovin'


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