Thursday, January 1, 2015

Introducing TBR Thursday

   I've had this idea for a while now and I wanted to have my own thing for my blog. So why the hell not? And yeah, I know that there is already a meme called like this but it's not the same thing. I do Stacking The Shelves but that is a meme of the books you recently get. But I created this so that it could help me cross off all the unread books that I own; and that are already released. Because my real TBR on Goodreads consists of books that haven't come out yet.

   TBR Thursday will be on the first Thursday of every month. I want to showcase all the books that have been on my "to be read" pile for a while now. I have paperbacks and e-books but my primary focus will be paperbacks. What I will do is I will
post the books that I will read for that month. Then on the last Thursday, there will be a wrap up post to see how it went and my reviews of the books that I did read.

   I own 46 paperbacks that I have not read. There are more but those are repeats or sequels (Don't ask why I have sequels); or books I'm genuinely not interested in anymore.

   That's a lot of books to read for one month. Right now I'm just showing all the books that I will attempt to read before the year ends. And I haven't picked which I will read or how many. I need time to decide so I will probably post that tomorrow.

   If you love this idea and decide to join in, I'd love to see your post. You can leave the link in the comments.

Diversity Spotlight Tuesday: Latinx Books

   Now this is a feature that just speaks to me especially since I mostly read books by marginalized authors. And it's all I want to ...