Thursday, January 8, 2015

The 365 Days of YA challenge

Sarah from What Sarah Read and Kate at Literary Kate are co-hosting the 365 Days of YA Reading Challenge! This challenge is inspired by Epic Reads’ 365 Days of YA info graphic. The best part about the challenge is that you can read as much or as little as you wish. Do you have brand new releases that you’ve been dying to read? What about the books that have been sitting on your shelves for a few years? New and old titles are part of this challenge!

Epic Reads will be partnering with them on this challenge for monthly book giveaways and periodic ARC giveaways (US ONLY). As an added bonus, Kate and Sarah will also be offering four seasonal prize package giveaways that will be open internationally for those participating in the challenge.

   I know, I know. This is the third challenge I've signed up and posted about today. It's crazy because I will be doing 5 challenges for 2015. But this is the year where I am trying to finish my TBR list or at least narrow it down. And while I am not going to read all of the titles from this graphic, I do have lots of them so that's why I will be joining. And I counted around 41 books on that graphic that I own. I lost count. Just look at how many books are on that thing, it's huge!!

Challenge Rules:

*Sign up for the challenge below and submit a link to your blog, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr etc. that contains a “To Be Read” list that matches up with the books found on the 365 Days of YA graphic (The individual titles are listed on the Epic Reads post as well). You can also include your personal reading goals for this challenge (book a day, series a week, monthly picks etc.)

*Keep track of what you read and at the end of each month post an update on your social media network of choice about what you read. Feel free to include review links as well.

*Submit a link to your update on the appropriate monthly link-up post here on the blog.

*Use the #365DaysofYA for any social media posts.

*Only books read in 2015 will count towards this challenge.

*Read the books in any order you like.

*Choose your own reading adventure! This is YOUR challenge so make it fit what’s important to you!

*Have fun and make new reading friends!

*Contact Kate (Twitter: @literarykate) or Sarah (Twitter: @whatsarahread) if you have any questions. 

*You can also email us at OR

*We will also be hosting monthly Twitter chats with the #365DaysofYAChat. We will post the dates and times when they become available!

Diversity Spotlight Tuesday: Latinx Books

   Now this is a feature that just speaks to me especially since I mostly read books by marginalized authors. And it's all I want to ...