Thursday, January 15, 2015

Welcome to my Youtube Channel!

   I finally filmed and uploaded my first vlog!!!

   I had created my account back in 2013 but I was too much of a chicken. And somehow, I got a little courageous and so I made a vlog before it would go away.

   I've always wanted to make bookish related videos because it sounds more fun than actually typing it in words. And it is, even though I look awckward. I'm still shy!!

   But now that my first video is up, I will be doing book reviews, book hauls, discussions, challenges, tags, and other sorts of fun stuff.

   And since I received a surprise package, I decided to capture it on camera. But I do warn you, I'm no expert. If you love watching popular youtubers, they sure know how to make their videos look
so damn nice.

   I'll get there, in one in a million years. Baby steps for me.

   Also now I understand why it take booktubers days or sometimes weeks to upload their videos because editing can be a pain in the behind!! It's so frustrating especially when you don't know what you're doing. I think I took like 2-3 hours just editing!!

   Here it is!!!

Please subscribe, hit the thumbs up, and comment!! 
And hopefully you enjoy my quirky little video :)

Diversity Spotlight Tuesday: Latinx Books

   Now this is a feature that just speaks to me especially since I mostly read books by marginalized authors. And it's all I want to ...